Look Away! He's Surfing Porn in Public Library
There's a big purple fluffy dog at the local library and kids are crawling all over it and all I can think is "Good God it could be covered with Impetigo! Walk away! Walk away!"
But there are more dangerous things in the library.
Like the weird guy at the free computer station surfing porn. I noticed him while Kamran and were searching for Elmo's Potty Time DVD. Why oh why isn't there legislation prohibiting watching porn in public libraries? Blah blah blah free society but there are babies wandering around and I don't mean the two year olds. Teens, tweens, kids experiencing their first pimples. They should not be exposed to this. And I don't think my taxes should... Oh never mind. Now I sound like a Republican.
I mention it to one of the librarians, my voice thin and pitchy, like a scared contestant on American Idol. She sighs and says there's nothing they can do about it unless he starts jacking off. Lovely.
We got our DVD and left.
But there are more dangerous things in the library.
Like the weird guy at the free computer station surfing porn. I noticed him while Kamran and were searching for Elmo's Potty Time DVD. Why oh why isn't there legislation prohibiting watching porn in public libraries? Blah blah blah free society but there are babies wandering around and I don't mean the two year olds. Teens, tweens, kids experiencing their first pimples. They should not be exposed to this. And I don't think my taxes should... Oh never mind. Now I sound like a Republican.
I mention it to one of the librarians, my voice thin and pitchy, like a scared contestant on American Idol. She sighs and says there's nothing they can do about it unless he starts jacking off. Lovely.
We got our DVD and left.